As our students navigate the ever-shifting sands of the 21st century, they will need more than language proficiency to ensure their success. Language learners must be able to solve complex problems, cooperate with and lead others, and practice intercultural skills throughout not only the real world but also, and increasingly, virtual spaces. My language education research has investigated ways to satisfy these various language and non-language focused demands. As a result, Project-Based Learning, in which groups of learners research online sources, employ language skills to solve a problem, and present their findings to the community, figures heavily in my courses. Ultimately, my goal is to produce a cohort of self-empowered, self-directed leaders.


人文学部 言語文化情報学科/文化コミュニケーション学科
Bachelor’s of Art in Political Science summa cum laude[University of Georgia, 2008年8月]
Master’s of Arts in American History with Honors[American Military University, 2016年10月]
Doctor of Education in Second Language Instruction with Distinction[American College of Education, 2020年6月]
English literacy, Blended Learning, Standardized Testing
Higher Order Literacy, Multisensory Learning, Cooperative Learning, Foreign Language Test Anxiety



  • English Social Club
  • TOEIC AdvancedⅠ・Ⅱ
  • English SeminarⅠ・Ⅱ・Ⅲ・Ⅳ・Ⅴ・Ⅵ
  • English CommunicationⅠ・Ⅱ
  • English ReadingⅠ・Ⅱ


年月 著書・学術論文名他 掲載誌名又は学会名
2020年12月 Effects of student-generated questioning on reading comprehension and self-efficacy in Japan ProQuest Dissertations Database
2020年9月 A multi-modal approach to literacy development of low-level EFL university students Innovation in Learning and Teaching Journal, 14(4)
2019年11月 The effects of mobile-based multisensory vocabulary learning in a Japanese EFL context TESOL International Journal, 15(6)
2018年12月 Dismissal, co-option, and miscues: The illusory impact of the Colbert Report among the people, politics, and mainstream news media The Journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies, (22), 93-100
2016年12月 Vertically integrated branding: A study of the American shipping brewers, 1875-1900 The Journal of Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies, (20), 35-46.